Central Hub for GW-BASIC

Project maintained by Cory Smith

GW-BASIC Resources

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Full Command Reference

Thomas Shaffner released Microsoft GW-BASIC User’s Guide and User’s Reference to the web and you can already find copies of it easily (try here, here, here or this PDF version which fits nicely on the Kindle screen). Download a ZIP archive of GWMAN on the archived KindlyRat GWBASIC page or on my downloads.

For more command information, be sure to search the blog. As I learn things and want to teach them, you’ll find them categorized under tutorials.



These portals mostly aggreate others, providing you a browsing-friendly entry point. There aren’t many of these left…

Forums / Q&A


Learn where GW-BASIC fits in the annals of history as well as alongside other BASICs.

People (Enthusiasts)


Guides to learning GW-BASIC or other forms of BASIC.

Program / Examples